Live Stream

Live streaming allows friends and family who can’t attend in person to watch the event in real-time over the internet.

  1. Accessing the Stream:
    • Link: This page will take you directly to the live broadcast.
    • Device: You can use any device with internet access, like a computer, tablet, or smartphone, to watch the stream.
  2. Viewing the Event:
    • Click on the Link: Just click on the link that says live stream. It will open your web browser and take you to the live stream.
    • No Login Needed: No sign-in or account is necessary.
  3. During the Stream:
    • Live Video: You will see and hear the wedding as it happens, just like watching a live TV show.
    • Interactivity: Depending on the setup, you may be able to send messages or congratulations through a chat function.
  4. Technical Tips:
    • Stable Internet Connection: Ensure you have a good internet connection for uninterrupted viewing.
    • Volume: Adjust the sound on your device to make sure you can hear the ceremony.
  5. After the Event:
    • Replay: Live streams can be watched again later if you miss the live event or want to rewatch it.